Patron (NSW) - Australian Earth Science Education

Patron (NSW)

Our Patron

Dr Jim Ross Am

Dr Jim Rosss is a geologist with more than 50 years’ experience in the Australian and international minerals industry. His career includes 25 years with WMC Ltd, followed by corporate management roles as Executive Director, Managing Director and Chairman in small listed companies. He is currently Deputy Chairman of Berkeley Resources Ltd.

Jim has been centrally involved in the interface between the industry and a wide range of technology, research and education organisations for more than 30 years, often in leadership roles. Currently he is a member of the State Government’s Technology, Industry Advisory Council and Chairs its Science Education Committee, and also Chair of the John de Laeter Centre for Isotope Research (since 1999). He was formerly the founding Chair of Earth Science Western Australia (2003-14), the founding Chair of the Science Advisory Council of the Kimberley Foundation (and a Director) from 2007-13, the founding Chair of the UWA Geoscience Foundation (2004-10), and the founding Chair of the Centre for Exploration Targeting (2005-08). He also served as a member of the Executive of the Geological Society of Australia from 2008-14.

He holds a BSc Hons degree from UWA, a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and Honorary Doctorates of Science from UWA (2008) and Curtin (2009). His awards include Membership of the Order of Australia in 2010, for services to geoscience, and the WR Browne medal of the Geological Society of Australia in 2008.

Jim’s current interests include strengthening STEM education in WA schools, and researching the impact of metals on the evolution of civilisation over the last 10,000 years, in his role as an Honorary Research Fellow at UWA.