Powering Careers in Energy - Australian Earth Science Education

Powering Careers in Energy

We are proud to work closely with Chevron Australia in support of their Powering Careers in Energy Program. This one year program of work is endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority of WA. Students explore energy, the Science behind energy, safety and the environment, and careers in energy.

To find out more click open the links below or contact us.


Chevron Australia are dedicated to fostering the next generation of big thinkers. They partner with governments, non-government organisations and community leaders to improve education outcomes in their communities and provide Western Australians with greater access to local job opportunities.

The Powering Careers in Energy (PCiE) program invests in the young minds that will help shape Australia’s energy future and aims to increase energy literacy in schools to improve students’ skills and training outcomes.

Delivered in partnership with us (AusEarthEd), PCiE provides students in years 10, 11 and 12 with the opportunity to undertake a one-year program to develop their knowledge and skills for a career in the energy sector.

Students will complete five units covering a wide range of topics relating to the energy industry, including its history and its global networks.

The program is endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority and will contribute to students’ Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

The course is suitable for students who would like to:

  • Develop an understanding of the energy industry and expand their knowledge and skills through engagement with new experiences and activities.
  • Increase their awareness of career opportunities within the energy industry, and how they align to individuals’ goals and aspirations.

1.0 introduction to energy
Students will be introduced to the role of energy in our community, with a focus on the various aspects of the energy value chain. Students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about Australian cultural heritage and native title, and how these aspects shape the modern resources industry. Wherever possible, this unit aims to link the relevance of their studies to real life scenarios.

2.0 the science behind energy
Focusing on the importance of biodiversity and environmental management, students will gain insight into how organisations can work in harmony with the environment. They will explore various forms of energy, including crude oil, natural gas and renewable sources, as well as science and engineering disciplines in the context of energy operations.

Students will examine the case study of Barrow Island, a Class A Nature Reserve where Chevron Australia has been operating for more than 60 years while successfully maintaining the island’s rich environmental biodiversity, demonstrating that with proper management, development and conservation can coexist.

3.0 safety
Students will be introduced to the concept of behaviour based safety and understand the importance of adopting an injury and incident free workplace. Students will learn about the practical application of Chevron’s work safety program.

They will reflect on global disasters to examine what went wrong and what can be learned in relation to safety. Personal safety will also be covered, including health and wellness, drug and alcohol information and driver education relating to employment.

4.0 exploring careers in energy
Focusing on the key skills required for success in the workplace, students will be introduced to teamwork, trust and conflict resolution. This unit will also provide support in developing student confidence with resume writing, job applications and interview techniques.

5.0 energy exploration day
Students will be immersed in the occupational health and safety culture within Chevron, undertaking science and engineering experiences associated with the energy industry. They will have the opportunity to work alongside Chevron personnel to complete challenges and activities.

The energy exploration day draws together aspects of units one to four, providing practical application of the skills and knowledge learned. it is recommended that students successfully complete at least two of the preceding units prior to enrolling and participating in the energy exploration day.

Watch now > Australian Students Participate in the Future of Energy

Download > Program Flyer
Download > Unit Overviews
Download > Sample Program (note this course can be delivered flexibly, to cater to local school context and student interest)

Unit One - Introduction to Energy

1.0 introduction to energy
Students will be introduced to the role of energy in our community, with a focus on the various aspects of the energy value chain. Students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about Australian cultural heritage and native title, and how these aspects shape the modern resources industry. Wherever possible, this unit aims to link the relevance of their studies to real life scenarios.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will:
• Identify and explain the role of energy in our community
• Describe the energy value chain.
• Demonstrate an understanding of diverse global communities and cultures who engage with energy operations.
• Demonstrate an understanding of Australia’s cultural heritage and native title.


  • Students explore energy use through the creation of a resource (such as a picture book) to help younger students understand the important role energy plays in our daily lives – view activity
  • Students investigate the energy value chain through creation of a physical representation of it – view activity
  • Students explore the roles of different energy sources and energy storage in supplying a community, using Onslow’s Microgrid as stimulus – view activity

Unit Two - The Science behind Energy

2.0 the science behind energy
Focusing on the importance of biodiversity and environmental management, students will gain insight into how organisations can work in harmony with the environment. They will explore various forms of energy, including crude oil, natural gas and renewable sources, as well as science and engineering disciplines in the context of energy operations.

Students will examine the case study of Barrow Island, a Class A Nature Reserve where Chevron Australia has been operating for more than 60 years while successfully maintaining the island’s rich environmental biodiversity, demonstrating that with proper management, development and conservation can coexist.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will:
• Outline the forms and sources of energy.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of science in energy operations.
• Explain the importance of biodiversity and how organisations can work with minimal impact on the environment.
• Identify how Barrow Island’s Class A Nature Reserve Status has been maintained through proper management and conservation practices.


Unit Three - Safety

3.0 safety 
Students will be introduced to the concept of behaviour based safety and understand the importance of adopting an injury and incident free workplace. Students will learn about the practical application of Chevron’s work safety program.

They will reflect on global disasters to examine what went wrong and what can be learned in relation to safety. Personal safety will also be covered, including health and wellness, drug and alcohol information and driver education relating to employment.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will:
• Outline the concept of Behaviour Based Safety and the importance of adopting an injury and incident free approach across all facets of their life.
• Demonstrate an understanding of Behaviour Based Safety in the workplace by applying major concepts to their school environment.
• Understand the role personal health and wellness plays in the workplace.
• Explain the causes, consequences and lessons learned from a global energy disaster.


Students develop a school-based OSPREY for the exploration of hydrogen, through the pop test and combustion of a hydrogen-filled balloon (see safety notes) – view activity.

Students consider the importance of workplace wellness initiatives and brainstorm the needs of their class – view activity.

Students prepare a proposal for a wellness initiative for their classroom – view activity.

Unit Four - Exploring Careers in Energy

4.0 exploring careers in energy
Focusing on the key skills required for success in the workplace, students will be introduced to teamwork, trust and conflict resolution. This unit will also provide support in developing student confidence with resume writing, job applications and interview techniques.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will:
• Explore a range of career opportunities and pathways in the energy industry.
• Identify attributes and skills required for successful careers in energy.
• Demonstrate skills required for job applications and interview processes within the energy industry.


Students choose an appropriate CV and populate it with their information – view activity.

A simple CV template that students may choose to use – view template (Word document, will automatically download).

Students review effective personal statements, comparing them against their own – view activity.

Students review recent job advertisements to pick two required skills to demonstrate, in CV format – view activity.

Students review exemplars of experience sections from student CVs – view activity.

Students follow the provided guide to provide appropriate feedback on CVs of their peers – view activity.

Students use peer feedback and information from previous activities to revise their CVs – view activity.

Students analyse job ads to determine what skills and qualifications should be highlighted in a cover letter – view activity.

Students identify features of an effective cover letter for a job application and create a basic cover letter for themselves – view activity.

A simple cover letter template that students may choose to use – view template (Word document, will automatically download)

Students write a cover letter that effectively addresses the requirements of a specific job and shows knowledge of the company – view activity.

Students explore the pros and cons of video CVs and then create a storyboard for a video CV skill demonstration or project explanation – view activity.

Unit 5 - Energy Exploration Day

5.0 energy exploration day
Students will be immersed in the occupational health and safety culture within Chevron, undertaking science and engineering experiences associated with the energy industry. They will have the opportunity to work alongside Chevron personnel to complete challenges and activities.

The energy exploration day draws together aspects of units one to four, providing practical application of the skills and knowledge learned. It is recommended that students successfully complete at least two of the preceding units prior to enrolling and participating in the energy exploration day.